
The django-userextensions package is available on Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed via pip with the following command:

pip install django-userextensions

Adding django-userextensions to your django project

To use django-userextensions in your project, add ‘userextensions’ to INSTALLED_APPS in your file and run migrate to create the required database structure.


Optional Feature Configurations

To include recents tracking, add ‘userextensions.middleware.UserRecentsMiddleware’ to your middleware.


By default, some fixed URLs and URLs with specific prefixes are excluded from being stored in recents. These can be modified by setting the SKIP_URL_PREFIX_LIST and SKIP_FIXED_URL_LIST parameters in the file. URLs stored in recents can also be filtered by http request methods. By default only GET is enabled. This can be modified by changing the TRACK_METHOD_LIST parameter in the file.

SKIP_URL_PREFIX_LIST = ['/admin/', '/__debug__/', ]
SKIP_FIXED_URL_LIST = ['/', '/login/', '/logout/', ]

Several views, with applicable templates, are provided for use. Note, action-based views, such as RefreshApiToken and UserLoginRedirect do not require templates. Views with GUIs, such as list and detail pages, include templates with requirements including Twitter Bootstrap. An included base template will be used for these views. You can override this by setting the BASE_TEMPLATE parameter to your preferred base template in the file.

To use these, set the BASE_TEMPLATE parameter in the file and include the userextensions.urls your project-level file.

from userextensions.urls import *

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('userextensions.urls'), ),
BASE_TEMPLATE = 'location_of_your_base_template'

To allow the custom user start page, update the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL parameter in your file to point to the userextensions user_login_redirect view. Optionally, the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_DEFAULT parameter can be set to define the page redirected to when a user does not have a start page configured.

LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/userextensions/user_login_redirect'
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_DEFAULT = 'myapp/some_cool_page'